Imagine. You make a very pleasant dream. And then a guy comes into the dream and warns you: “Hey, you know, it’s only a dream! You are dreaming!” Upset, you reply: “I know it’s a dream: I made it up! And now go away and live me alone!”


I have this same exact feeling when, fully immersed into a pleasant, creative, naughty or silly experience in SL, Real Life interferes – generally for useless reasons.

At the time of this writing, I did not find the final solution to this nagging problem. But I can give you some tricks that may at least reduce the frequency of interferences.

  • Lock him *accidentally* in the cellar, a cupboard, the garage or any other room with a good locker.
  • Replace the Omega 3 pills with narcotics.
  • Forget to buy half of the items on the shopping list and ask for help.
  • Take a young dog and sprain your ankle